A Safe And Hassle-Free System that reduce waste - from throwing away used oil bottle and tins.
Conservare aims to bring about design thinking and the infinite recycling loop to reduce the need to further stain the environment. By making use of the product recollection and reward scheme for recurring customers, the product would be successful with careful and detailed recycling system and business model.

Revisiting Wastage In The Kitchen
To make a sumptuous meal, cooking oil is a part of the recipe. But have we ever wonder what happens if we try the bottle away or even dispose away the oil tin after it has been empty?
Currently in the industry, homecooks tend to refill their bottle with large oil tins made of aluminium or throw away the glass bottle and buy new one. Therefore there is a need to design a system that could lengthen the usage of oil bottle with the implementation of rewards on a customer upon every return of the bottle.

Closing Up the Wastage Circle
Conservare has been well thought off in terms of helping with the ecosystem. The product system revolves around the infinite loop and it shows the full potential of recycling. The detailing starts all the way from obtaining the recycled glass or aluminium, to the usage by customers and coming back all the way to the product recollection.

How Much Can We Really Save?
This has became a reflection of how much resources are needed for the production of the products. Therefore it is important for designers to think about the amount of production needed to go through. Through recollection and recycled materials, designers can change the world step by step.

Implementation & Business Model
To make Conservare work, the product has to input some rewards for the customers to make that extra step to return the oil tin. Hence, by placing a discount on future purchases, the company not only would spend lesser on reproduction of new tin can, but also promote brand loyalty to the customers.